Dear fellow Hanoverians:
This coming Saturday, January 25th, is the Special District Election
regarding the proposed new South Shore Vocational Technical School. The
polls will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Hanover High School
Media Room. The Media Room is located off of the cafe at the high school,
and both the front and rear doors to HHS will be open for voters to enter
the building. There will be HYAA sports in and out of the back door all
day long, so it might be easier to park in the front, but both sides of the
building will have reserved voter parking spaces waiting for you.
The set up and administration of the election will be unusual for regular
voters, with the primary changes being that we’ll be in the media room, and
you don’t have to find your precinct line when you get there. The results
of the vote will be aggregated across all nine towns in the district and
will therefore not be gathered or reported by precinct like they usually
are. All nine towns are in fact voting on January 25th from 9:00 a.m. –
5:00 p.m. at their various local polling locations.
If you are going to be out of town all day from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on
Election Day, or if you are physically unable to get to the polls, or if
you have a religious belief that prevents you from voting that day, you
qualify for an absentee ballot. Your application for an absentee ballot
must be received by the Town Clerk’s Office no later than 12 noon on
Friday, January 24th. Here is the link to the application:
. The voter must appear in person with this application. It is too late
to request an absentee ballot by mail.
There is NO in-person Early Voting or no-excuse Vote by Mail for this
If you are still unsure how to vote on the project itself, there is lots of
great information on both the SSVT project website found here:
, as well as on the Town of Hanover website here:
If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Town Clerk
Catherine Harder-Bernier at or Cindy
Xing at , or call 781-826-5000 x1079.
See you Saturday!
For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B
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