Fiscal 2026 proposed Budget, potential Override,

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

The Town of Hanover’s FY ’26 budget has been presented to the Select Board
and Advisory Committee by the Town Manager. If you are just tuning in but
want to catch up, there are dozens of PowerPoint presentations just waiting
for you here:

But, if you are looking for the summary, the Town Manager’s budget, as
presented on February 3rd, 2025, is here:
. A homeowner living in an “average” Hanover house (valued at $778K this
fiscal year) will see an estimated $303.24 increase in their taxes for
FY’26, and a $911.80 estimated increase if the proposed override passes.
This latter number is 41.5% less than last year’s failed override

Along with that operating budget summary is a terrific overview of what to
expect for rates in our enterprise funds, including the newest fund, the
Transfer Station Enterprise Fund. Here’s that presentation, also from
February 3rd:
. In sum, your full-access transfer station sticker will cost $310 for
access beginning July 1st.

As the spring unfolds and anticipated revenues become more certain, there
will surely be adjustments to these numbers. Additionally, the Advisory
Committee will begin to weigh in with their recommendations to Town
Meeting. Stay tuned for more details!

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” (“ATOTW”) has been a valued push notification
since the spring of 2004 – long before there were push notifications!

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Nomination papers are available for local office

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Hanover Town Clerk Catherine Harder-Bernier announced today that nomination
papers are now available for the Annual Town Election scheduled to be held
May 17th, 2025.

“Election Day is set for May 17th and signed nomination papers are due
March 28th, 2025. At this point in the year, there are a total of ten
anticipated open seats. On the ballot this spring will be elections for
one member of the Select Board for a three year term, one member of the
School Committee for a three year term, one member of the Board of
Assessors for a three year term and one member for a one year term, one
member of the Planning Board for a five year term and one member for a one
year term, one Board of Health member for a three year term, one Trustee of
the Public Library for a three year term, one Town Clerk for a three year
term, and one Moderator for a one year term”, continued Harder-Bernier.

Interested residents are encouraged to contact the Town Clerk’s Office,
any of the related departments, or sitting members of the board or
committee they are interested in becoming a part of in order to gain more
information about an open position.

To run for office, candidates only need to obtain 50 signatures of
registered Hanover voters in order to be placed on the ballot. Candidates
for office have until Friday, March 28th to submit the signed nomination
papers to the Registrar’s Office for signature certification.

For more information about the election process and related deadlines, or
to electronically request nomination papers, please contact Hanover Town
Clerk Catherine Harder-Bernier by e-mail at .

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” (“ATOTW”) has been a valued push notification
since the spring of 2004 – long before there were push notifications!

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Dear fellow Hanoverians:

This Sunday is the Phoenix Lodge Public Breakfast. The Lodge is located at
133 Broadway, at the corner of Broadway and Washington Street (Hanover Four

Join them on Sunday, February 9 from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. for what some
folks say is the “best breakfast anywhere”.

Featuring: French toast, pancakes, eggs, homemade corned beef hash, home
fries, breakfast sausage, bacon, fresh fruit and juices, muffins, toast and

Adults – $10.00
Kids under 12 – $5.00
Kids under 5 – FREE

You just can’t beat this price!!!

All of the proceeds from the breakfasts help to support their food pantry
and scholarship programs. Phoenix Lodge regularly donates to the Hanover,
Pembroke Firehouse and Norwell food pantries. They also provide two
scholarships each year to South Shore Regional Vocational Technical High

Thank you from the officers and members of Phoenix Lodge for helping them
to help our community. They are Masons and this is what they do! For more
information, please contact Dave Tinley at

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” (“ATOTW”) has been a valued push notification
since the spring of 2004 – long before there were push notifications!

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Pajama Drive

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

The John Curtis Free Library has teamed up with the Boston Bruins to
participate in the 18th annual Boston Bruins PJ Drive to benefit Department
of Children and Families’ (DCF) Wonderfund and Cradles to Crayons. The PJ
Drive’s goal is to collect 10,000 pairs of new pajamas. Many of the
pajamas donated go to local DCF offices in the area in which they were
collected, benefitting local kids and teens. DCF estimates that at any
given time the agency is working with 50,000 babies, children and teens.

Bruins forward P.J. Axelsson and his wife, Siw, started the PJ drive during
the Boston Bruins 2007-2008 season as a way to give to give back to their
community. Libraries from across the state joined the PJ Drive in 2014 and
have collected over 53,000 pairs of pajamas since then. The Massachusetts
Board of Library Commissioners works with the Boston Bruins to coordinate
library participation.

The drive runs February 1 through March 15. The Hanover library’s goal
this year is to collect 100 new pajamas. The collection box is located in
the lobby by the main entrance.
For more information, please call 781-826-2972 or email

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” (“ATOTW”) has been a valued push notification
since the spring of 2004 – long before there were push notifications!

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Birthday in a Box!

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Hanover Woman’s Club, Juniors with the assistance of the Hanover High
School students in the Tri-M Music Honor Society will be sponsoring a
donation drive for Birthday-in-a-Box. The club will fill boxes containing
all the things to celebrate a birthday to be delivered to children
currently experiencing the trauma of homelessness. Donations for items
needed may be left in the collection boxes at both the John Curtis Free
Library and in the music hallway at Hanover High School.

Items requested include birthday themed plates and napkins (24 count or
less), a table cover, a single large party hat or a package of small hats
(8 count or less). Also needed are a package of balloons, decorations such
as banners or a centerpiece, candles, 1 cake mix and frosting and a single
use cake pan, 8×8 or 13×9. Birthday-in-a-Box will serve ages 2-13. Themes
for the items can include sports, Bluey, Disney characters, trucks and
anything that might to appeal to children. Make this a fun project you can
do with your children or friends and make a little difference in the life
of a less fortunate child. Hanover Woman’s Club, Juniors thanks you for
supporting this project.

The boxes for donations will be available thru the month of February. See
the attached flyer for more information.
Hanover Woman’s Club, Juniors is a member of the MA and General Federation
of Women’s Clubs.
Club website:
E-mail address:

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” (“ATOTW”) has been a valued push notification
since the spring of 2004 – long before there were push notifications!

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Blood drive donors needed

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Please see the attached flyer about an upcoming blood drive.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” (“ATOTW”) has been a valued push notification
since the spring of 2004 – long before there were push notifications!

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Special District Election results

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

The Town of Hanover, and indeed, all 9 towns that make up the South Shore
Technical School District, overwhelmingly voted to approve the new building
for South Shore Vo-Tech yesterday, January 25th, 2025. Attached please
find the election results.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” (“ATOTW”) has been a valued push notification
since the spring of 2004 – long before there were push notifications!

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All Pro Dad breakfast

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

ALL PRO DAD HANOVER Breakfast – Friday, Jan. 31st

All Pro Dad is a monthly gathering where dads (pros and amateurs) get to
intentionally engage with their kids!
There will be a light, complimentary breakfast, fun activities, and a
character-based curriculum that helps dads start meaningful conversations
with their kids.

When: Friday, Jan 31st at 7:30 a.m. – 8:15 a.m.
Where: Riley Hall Building (next to Center Elementary) – 17 Silver Street
Who: Center School students (boy and girls) and their dads (or other
father-like figures)!
RSVP here:

This event is not on the regular school calendar so please invite other
dads with Center School kids and forward this email so they can RSVP.
This, of course, is not just limited to dads, but all children must be
accompanied by an adult.

For more information or questions, contact the team captain, Adam Laybourn,
at: C – 516.474.3006

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” (“ATOTW”) has been a valued push notification
since the spring of 2004 – long before there were push notifications!

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Special District Election for SSVT is this Saturday!

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

This coming Saturday, January 25th, is the Special District Election
regarding the proposed new South Shore Vocational Technical School. The
polls will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Hanover High School
Media Room. The Media Room is located off of the cafe at the high school,
and both the front and rear doors to HHS will be open for voters to enter
the building. There will be HYAA sports in and out of the back door all
day long, so it might be easier to park in the front, but both sides of the
building will have reserved voter parking spaces waiting for you.

The set up and administration of the election will be unusual for regular
voters, with the primary changes being that we’ll be in the media room, and
you don’t have to find your precinct line when you get there. The results
of the vote will be aggregated across all nine towns in the district and
will therefore not be gathered or reported by precinct like they usually
are. All nine towns are in fact voting on January 25th from 9:00 a.m. –
5:00 p.m. at their various local polling locations.

If you are going to be out of town all day from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on
Election Day, or if you are physically unable to get to the polls, or if
you have a religious belief that prevents you from voting that day, you
qualify for an absentee ballot. Your application for an absentee ballot
must be received by the Town Clerk’s Office no later than 12 noon on
Friday, January 24th. Here is the link to the application:
. The voter must appear in person with this application. It is too late
to request an absentee ballot by mail.

There is NO in-person Early Voting or no-excuse Vote by Mail for this

If you are still unsure how to vote on the project itself, there is lots of
great information on both the SSVT project website found here:
, as well as on the Town of Hanover website here:

If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to Town Clerk
Catherine Harder-Bernier at or Cindy
Xing at , or call 781-826-5000 x1079.
See you Saturday!

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” (“ATOTW”) has been a valued push notification
since the spring of 2004 – long before there were push notifications!

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More SSVT Election information

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Attached please find some more information about the South Shore Vo-Tech
debt exclusion project that we will vote on January 25th, 2025. I
personally found this information to be really helpful.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” (“ATOTW”) has been a valued push notification
since the spring of 2004 – long before there were push notifications!

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