Newcomers’ Craft Fair this Saturday

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Lots of holiday activities are happening this weekend.  While you’re out and about, don’t forget to swing by Hanover Middle School on Saturday for the Hanover Newcomers Club’s 12th Annual Holiday Craft Fair.  The Craft Fair will run from 9-3 with $2.00 admission; $1.00 for seniors.  Crafts include jewelry, wreaths, candles, ornaments, gift baskets, floral designs, holiday decorations, fleece clothing and blankets, and much more.  Proceeds from the fair benefit the Newcomers Club which in turn supports local organizations and residents in a variety of ways.  The Craft Fair is always a great place to purchase unique homemade gifts, decorations, and stocking stuffers. Hope to see you Saturday!
For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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