Social Thinking program

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Come to the next Parent Advisory Council program that will discuss essential
information for staff and parents to help children develop the skills they
need to communicate effectively and express themselves creatively.

What IS "Social Thinking"?

"Social Thinking" is our ability to think about:

WHY we do certain things?

HOW we do certain things?

WHY does all of this matter?

Tuesday, March 15th

7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Meeting Location:

Middle School (Library), 45 Whiting Street

Tracey Stoll, Jennifer Harber, and Cindy Basso, from Learning Solutions, LLC
will speak in detail about:
What social thinking is; what effects social thinking; and how we know if a
student will benefit from social thinking groups and strategies? Social
cognitive thinking groups are beneficial for learners experiencing social
challenges among their peers, and within daily life. Participants will come
away with increased knowledge and understanding of social cognitive
thinking, and strategies to stimulate the development in diverse learners.
For more information visit: .

Check out their new web site
for further information and upcoming
events. It’s loaded with links to important resources and documents. Also,
any changes or cancellations to their programs will be posted there.

For further information, please call Susan at 781.826.8261 or Karen at
781.826.0137, or e-mail .

For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B

"Around Town on the Web" is a community service that has been provided to
self-selected residents of the Town of Hanover since the spring of 2004. If
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