HHS Robotics Team news

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Congratulations to the Hanover High School Robotics Team whose veteran robot
"The Bull" finished first place at Assabet Valley’s "Rally in the Valley"
Tournament this past weekend. The Bull dominated the 20 robot field going
5-0 in a double elimination bracket. Congratulations also to the sophomore
robot "Rhino" who was the winner of the Rumble, a seven bot last man
standing free for all match.

The Bull’s first match of the day was an impressive display against
Lincoln-Sudbury’s "Anonymous". A hit that damaged The Bull did not stop
driver Conor Crowley from pursuing the opponent, which led to a judge’s
decision in Hanover’s favor at the three minute match conclusion:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p40HUVmGSqk .

The team came prepared to rebuild and was able to get The Bull back into
full operating condition before the next match. They would not have to rely
on the judges any more for the rest of the day, with four consecutive
knockouts, and one as quick as 2 seconds into the match. The final match
was against Bay Path’s "Maha" and reminded the crowd one more time how
powerful The Bull is:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_OpOkXXKMPk .

The team would like to thank the community for their generous support at
last week’s Robot Rally and over the years.

For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B

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