HFEE fundraiser report

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Great news just in from the Hanover Foundation!

The Hanover Foundation for Education Enrichment (HFEE) extends its sincere
thanks to all those in the community who came out to support its most recent
event "Dine at the Ninety-Nine" in Rockland on March 31st. Dozens of
families, educators and administrators packed the house at the Ninety-Nine
last Thursday night and enjoyed a lively evening with plenty of good food
and raffles. The event helped to raise over $1,200 for the HFEE which will
fund teacher grants for all grades in the Hanover schools.

Every year the HFEE relies on the good will and generosity of businesses and
individuals to make our fundraisers a success. This year the following
businesses and individuals contributed to the event’s success: The Fours,
Asian C, Beijing House, The British Beer Company, Crescent Realty, Briteway
Car Wash, Laura Blumberg, The Florist Mill, Boston Bowl, Crossroads, Harmon
Golf, Golfology, and Debbie Rich. Thanks also to Ninety-Nine General
Manager Michael LeConti for making the night seamless. By participating in
this event, whether you donated goods, came and ate, or got take-out, you
contributed to the expansion of educational opportunities for Hanover’s
youngsters. We sincerely appreciate your participation and involvement! If
you are thinking of getting involved, join us at our May meeting on the 19th
at the home of Mugsie Sarson, 88 Whiting Street. If you have any questions
about the meeting or if you just want to get involved, contact HFEE
President Larry DiNardo at lldinardo@comcast.net .

Very truly yours,

Sue Ditullio

Joan McVey

Event Co-Chairs

For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B

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