Town Meeting wrap up

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

As the Town Moderator suggested just now, and I agree, that was one of
the best two-night Town Meetings we have had in years!
At the beginning of this evening’s meeting, I never would have
guessed that we would finish Town Meeting’s business before 11:00
p.m., much less this evening. But debate was healthy and helpful on
the articles that needed it, and quick and easy on the articles that
made sense.
A brief re-cap for those interested:
1) The deputy fire chief will remain under the provisions of Civil
Service Laws and Rules
2) We did not accept the proposal to renovate and construct on 645
Center Street
3) We voted to demolish Curtis School
4) Your fees for food permits, perc tests, disposal of construction
demolition materials over 100 pounds, and electrical and plumbing work
all will go up as of July 1st
5) We named the new high school auditorium after Bob Nyman
6) We took step one toward bonding (for ten years) the expenditure of
$8.5 million dollars to improve our roads; step two will occur on
Saturday at the ballot box
7) And we decided to keep the Town Clerk an elected position (so the
question on the ballot on Saturday is moot).
A reminder that Election Day is Saturday, May 7th. The polls are open
from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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