Hot Air Balloon rides at Hanover Day

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

After an unbelievably well-attended and successful “Blue and Gold
Never Grows Old – Tribute to Hanover High School” yesterday, Hanover
residents are now gearing up for Hanover Day 2011. Add the newly
reinvigorated Memorial Day parade to the list…how about the
community spirit around here in just one month!?! ATOTW is pleased to
highlight events and activities that will happen on Hanover Day
between now and the big day, June 25th.

Residents who attend Hanover Day on June 25th will be greeted by a
very special opportunity: the ability to take a ride in the RE/MAX of
New England hot air balloon. Sponsored by RE/MAX Realty Advisors, “Big
Max,” the seven-story-tall red, white and blue RE/MAX hot air balloon,
will be located at B. Everett Hall Field wind and weather permitting.
Proceeds from the tethered rides will go to support the Children’s
Miracle Network.

There will be a raffle during the day for a few rides that will be
guaranteed if the balloon goes up. Otherwise visitors are welcome to
wait in line. The rides will begin approximately between 6:00 – 8:00
p.m. There will be a limited amount of rides.

For more information, please contact Theresa Lawyer at RE/MAX at

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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provided to self-selected residents of the Town of Hanover since the spring
of 2004.
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