November PAC seminar

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

The Hanover Special Education Parent Advisory Council is pleased to
announce their next educational seminar. All events are free and open
to the public, with no reservations required. Please join them!

*/The Impact of Anxiety and Depression on Learning/*
* *
*Tuesday, November 15, 2011*
*7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.*
*Hanover High School (First Floor)*
287 Cedar Street, Hanover

It is well established that children with learning disabilities and/or
attention deficit disorders are at risk for developing symptoms of
psychological distress. In particular the academic and social
struggles related to these difficulties can result in depression and
anxiety. It is critical that when we evaluate and work to understand
the challenges children endure in school that we also assess the
impact their academic struggles are having on their social and
emotional functioning. Further, it is clear that children are commonly
misdiagnosed with learning disabilities or attention deficit
disorders. Problems with attention or with learning can be the direct
result of a primary anxiety disorder or a primary mood disorder. What
may look like A.D.H.D. may more accurately be a child who is
distracted by worries, low self-esteem, or frustration. This dynamic
can result in a “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” type
of diagnostic dilemma. This workshop will work to examine these
patterns and discuss implications for assessment and intervention.

*/Presented by: /*Timothy A. Martin, Ph.D., Licensed Psychologist/
Pediatric Neuropsychologist. Dr. Martin is the Associate Director and
Director of Evaluation Services at Child and Family Psychological
Services, Inc./ Integrated Behavioral Associates. For more information


*What is the Hanover Parent Advisory Council?*
The *PAC* is a parent group whose mission is to work toward
understanding, respect, support and appropriate education for all
children with learning differences in our community. The *Hanover PAC*
will provide an opportunity for parents to network and share
information as well as a way to work constructively with our schools
to make them the best they can be for all children.
Check out their new website at

for further information and upcoming events. It’s loaded with links
to important resources and documents. Also, any changes or
cancellations to their programs will be posted there as well as on
their Facebook page.
For further information, please call Karen at (781) 826-0137 or e-mail
. Be sure to “like” the PAC on Facebook at

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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