PAC seminar on social thinking skills

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

/The Hanover Parent Advisory Council presents their final seminar for
this school year: /

Strategies for teaching: Social Thinking Skills
/A Workshop for Parents and Professionals/

Tuesday, April 10, 2012
7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Meeting Location: Hanover High School (First Floor), Cedar Street

Description: / Having a high “Social I.Q.” is extremely important for
all children and young adults. Cooperation, empathy, conflict
resolution, managing emotions, and listening skills are important
skills that are not learned by all children naturally. For some
children, complex mathematics is easier than carrying on a
conversation with a peer. The good news is that social skills can be
taught to children. Social Thinking techniques were developed to help
children get through their school day as well as develop and maintain
friendships. What are Social Thinking Skills? How we know if a student
will benefit from Social Thinking groups and strategies? Participants
in this workshop will gain increased knowledge and understanding of
social thinking, and strategies to stimulate the development of these
skills in diverse learners.

/Presented by:/
/ /Amy Gordon, M.Ed. of Second Nature Social Skills

What is the Hanover Parent Advisory Council?
The PAC is a parent group whose mission is to work toward
understanding, respect, support and appropriate education for all
children with learning differences in our community. The Hanover PAC
will provide an opportunity for parents to network and share
information as well as a way to work constructively with our schools
to make them the best they can be for all children.
Check out their web site at

for further information and upcoming events. It’s loaded with links
to important resources and documents. Also, any changes or
cancellations to their programs will be posted there. Like them on

For further information, please call Susan at (781) 826-8261 or Karen
at (781) 826-0137.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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