Postal Workers Annual Food Drive volunteers needed

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

The Postal Workers Annual Food Drive is almost here again! It will be
held Saturday, May 12, 2012. There will be a combination of food drive
volunteers and postal service workers making the rounds. The Hanover
Food Pantry is in serious need of volunteers on that day again this
year. What better way to support residents of our town in need? Please
consider volunteering at the food pantry! It is also a great way for
those who need service hours to accrue some time for a good cause.

The good folks at the Hanover Food Pantry need:

• Drivers and gatherers (beginning as early as 10:00 a.m. or anytime
up through 3:00 p.m.) to go out on assigned routes for food pick-up.
Take a long route or a short route, no matter what; your help will be
appreciated. You’ll be given a map, and you will bring the food you
gather back to the pantry.

• Sorters to be stationed at the pantry from 11:00 a.m. through 5:00
p.m., in two hour shifts. Feel free to stay as long as you like. The
food pantry will supply water, soda, coffee or tea and PB&J
sandwiches, along with hard work and a good time.

Anyone wishing to volunteer to drive and pick up or sort donations can
do so by emailing Sally Lovett Boutin at

or calling her at 781-826-6485, or on her cell at 781-799-0053.

Remember that all collected food stocks the shelves of our very own
Hanover Food Pantry for our friends and neighbors in need. The food
that is gathered each year at the Postal Workers Annual Food Drive
sees those in need through the summer when the churches, civic
organizations, schools and other groups stop or slow their regular
collections. Your support will be greatly appreciated.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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of 2004.
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