Walk the Cardinal Cushing property

Dear fellow Hanoverians:
The Hanover Open Space Committee and the Cardinal Cushing Center will
be co-sponsoring a public walk on the Center’s beautiful woodland
property bordering the Third Herring Brook. Please join them on
Saturday, May 12th at 9:00 am. There is ample parking in the school
lot opposite the Chapel. Please be sure to bring bug repellant, and
dress appropriately, as there are ticks in this wooded area. The walk
will be approximately a mile and a half in length. They will meet in
front of the Chapel. They look forward to introducing you to this
wonderful area in Hanover and to this great institution. The main
entrance to the property is located at 405 Washington Street, near the
intersection of Route 53 and Route 139 in Hanover.

Stay informed about activities and volunteer opportunities on Facebook
at Hanover Massachusetts Open Space; on the web at
, or join the Yahoo Group at HanoverOpenSpace. The OSC is actively
looking for volunteers to help monitor trail conditions in their area.
Please contact them at hanoveropenspace@gmail.com

to get involved.

Hanover OSC was chartered to ensure that the town’s rural character
is maintained and enhanced both through protection of existing
resources and acquisition of new properties. It is responsible for
planning and facilitating the improvement of open space, enhancing
access to open space and raising awareness of land use issues. The OSC
is also interested in protecting land that is environmentally
sensitive, could be used for passive recreation or is important for
conserving the look and feel of the town. The goal is to retain the
natural beauty and heritage of the town.

The Open Space Committee would also like to hear from people who are
interested in more information on the work of the Committee. The
Committee meets regularly at 7:30 p.m., on the first Monday of each
month at Hanover Town Hall.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” (“ATOTW”) is a community service that has been
provided to self-selected residents of the Town of Hanover since the spring
of 2004.
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