Walking the path of grief program

Dear fellow Hanoverians:


The First Congregational Church of Hanover is continuing its
series on “Walking the Path to Wholeness, Healing and Holiness” in
conjunction with their indoor Labyrinth.  On January 10th, the Labyrinth
will be available from 9:00 a.m. until noon for reflection and walking meditation. 
At 10:00 a.m., they will offer a presentation by Bob Biggins of Magoun-Biggins Funeral
Home about the experience of grief and loss.  Bob is the former President
of the National Funeral Home Directors Association.  He and his staff are
trained in grief care at the time of death and in the months beyond.  He
will share in a dialogue around the rituals of saying goodbye and the long path
of finding your way in life without your loved one.  The program
and Labyrinth will be at the Parish Hall, which is located at 17 Silver Street
(across from the John Curtis Library).   For more information,
contact the church office at 781-826-4762 or visit their website at www.fcchanoverucc.org .


For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B


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