Josh’s efforts in Iraq reach a milestone

Dear fellow Hanoverians:


I have great news!  Long time readers of “ATOTW”
will remember the story of Hanover resident Josh Benner, beloved son of Corina
and Chris Silva, who is currently serving our country in Iraq.  Corina and
I made calls for donations to all of you for the children of Iraq.  You
sent us boxes and bags of over-the-counter medical supplies and children’s
toys; the outpouring was amazing!  We forwarded everything to Josh, and he
helped bring joy, relief and contentment to the impoverished Iraqi children he
encountered.  It was a wonderful process that spoke to the generosity of
Hanover residents and the magnanimous spirit of our Josh.


The terrific news is this – last Sunday, Diyala, Iraq was “handed
over” to the Iraqi people.  Josh and his fellow troops are beginning
the process to pack up and come home!  It may still be some time before we
get to see Josh back here in the states, but the first step toward that end has
happened!  In the meantime, and I am sure that I can speak for Corina too,
when I say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support of Josh’s
efforts.  She sent the last box of your donations over this week (yes,
that’s how much stuff we had!). 


I’ll continue to keep you posted on Josh’s
whereabouts, too (or just keep your eyes open for crazy dancing women in the
streets of Hanover!).  Thanks again for all you have done.


For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B


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