Cub Scout Bike Rodeo and Registration

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Hanover Cub Scout Packs 37 and 39 will be holding their New Scout
Registration as well as sponsoring a Bike Rodeo at Hanover Day this
year! The event will be held on June 15th from 10:00 a.m. – 1:00
p.m. on the basketball courts.

Participants will learn about the Cub Scout program. There will be
members from the packs to speak with as well as different bike
stations to participate in – an obstacle course, bike maintenance and
safety check, and rules of the road. It is recommended that
participants bring their own bike and helmet, but it is not mandatory.

Scout registration forms will be available. Boys who register and
complete all of the bike stations will fulfill the requirements for
the Bicycling belt loop.

Being a Cub Scout means you are in 1st through 5th grade, and a member
of a worldwide youth movement that stands for certain values and
beliefs. Cub Scouting is more than something to do it’s all about the
boy you are and the person you will become.
If you have questions, please feel free to contact Pack 37 Cubmaster
James Mustone at

or Pack 39 Cubmaster Steve Hamilton at


For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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