Community representative sought for HHS

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Each school in Hanover has a School Council consisting of parents,
teachers, representatives of the community, and administrators.
Hanover High School’s School Council has an opening for someone to
fill the role of community representative. This person may be any
Hanover resident who does not currently have children attending the
high school. There is a meeting approximately once a month during the
school year.

School Councils exist to assist principals in four areas: adopting
educational goals for the school that are consistent with local
educational policies and statewide student performance standards;
identifying the educational needs of students attending the school;
reviewing the annual school building budget, and formulating a school
improvement plan. The High School Council also reviews the student
handbook each spring to consider changes in disciplinary policy, any
such changes to take effect the following school year.

Any interested persons are encouraged to contact Principal Dr. Tom
Raab at 781 878-5450 or


For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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