Bags of Cash fundraiser for the Boys Club

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

It’s time for the popular annual Bags of Cash raffle, which supports
the Hanover Police Boys Club, Hanover’s only non-profit health club
and gym. Open to everyone, HPBC includes free weights, toning and
lifting machines, cardiovascular equipment, treadmills, stationary
bikes and a large area for stretching and calisthenics. Karate and
Yoga are also available.

The “Bags of Cash” is their largest fundraiser of the year. Each
$100 ticket covers dinner for two (provided by Trueman’s Catering),
one entry into the Bags of Cash drawing, dancing and the chance to
catch up with friends and neighbors. Only 400 tickets will be sold.
There are seven cash prizes: $10,000, $3,000, $1,000, $500, $300,
$200, and $100, as well as door prizes.

The event will take place on Saturday November 2, from 7:00—11:00
p.m., at the Rockland Golf Course, 276 Plain St. Rockland, MA. Winners
need not be present to win. For tickets ($100 per couple), contact
John Ferraro at

or 781 826 5236.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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