Joshua Perry Scholarship Golf Tournament

Dear fellow Hanoverians:
Sometimes messages for you come to me that need to be sent exactly as they
come in. This is one of them. Josh’s mother’s love for him is simply
brimming from what follows. Trust me, dear readers, when I tell you that
the e-mail correspondence I had with Jan leading up to this e-blast was
even more compelling. Thanks, Jan, for pulling us all in.

Tax ID: 46-1231705
Welcome to the 2nd annual scholarship golf tournament in memory of Joshua,
who passed away 18 months ago at the young age of 17.
Josh was a very active kid who loved to ride his BMX bike for hours at a
time with his friends. He used to say that while he rode, he felt he was
free and could do anything. Along with riding, he loved to keep his
friends & family laughing with his little noises & one-liner remarks. Many
times those noises and remarks coupled with his smile and sense of humor
would reduce the trouble he would get himself into both at home and at
school. He had a very soft heart and would come to anyone’s defense, no
matter the cost. There is no doubt that he cherished his family and
With Josh’s heartfelt intentions, we are raising funds for another year
of scholarships to help students at the South Shore Vocational Technical
High School. He would love knowing we raised over $9,000 for our first time
coordinating such an event! These funds are marked for scholarships for
the graduating seniors. The applicants are asked to “pay-it-forward”
for a week and answer several questions in order to qualify for submission.
It’s the only scholarship that is action based. In addition, a portion
of the funds will be going to the Hanover Middle School for a tutoring
program. This program is to assist 8th grade students to academically
qualify for admission to the SSVT High School.
The fee to enter the tournament is $100 per player. To attend just the
barbecue is $30 (this includes 5 tickets for the raffles). Corporate and
individual sponsorships are needed in order to be successful, as well as
prizes, such as gift certificates, golf accessories, sports memorabilia,
gift baskets, etc. Fitbikeco., located in California, graciously donated a
new BMX bike for our raffle last year and has agreed to do so each year.
Thank you Fitbikeco.!
Sponsoring a hole is also available for $75 each. The sponsorship will
result in your name being prominently displayed at the green and will be
seen by all golfers and many others at the barbecue. We are seeking
sponsorships of an entire foursome to be offered to students and friends of
Josh’s that cannot afford to play. As a foursome sponsor, you are
invited to attend the barbecue following the tournament under the big tent.

As was last year, there will be many contests throughout the golf course to
win some cash and prizes.
Please visit to register your team
or sponsor the tournament. If you would prefer to register or donate by
check, please send with the enclosed form to:

The Joshua Perry Memorial Fund
182 Old Farm Road
Hanover, MA 02339

If you would like additional information, please contact Jan Perry at
617-417-7818 or email at
Thank you for all your help and support!
Family & Friends of Josh

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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