Energized volunteers needed

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Hanover needs some energized volunteers to help out on two committees: the
Advisory Committee and the Parks and Recreation Committee. The Advisory
Committee reviews all town budgets and is responsible for making
recommendations to the Town Meeting on all Articles. If you are someone
who wants to learn about all parts of the town government and help out with
determining the right budgets, AdComm is great place to dig in. The Parks
and Recreation Committee is responsible for managing all of our recreation
programs and the park land owned by the town. Hanover has a long tradition
of very strong recreation programs and the committee and their employee,
the Recreation Administrator, manage and work to expand recreation
opportunities for citizens of all ages.

If you would like to volunteer or just learn more about these committees,
please contact Town Moderator Doug Thomson at moderator@hanover-ma.gov .

(Editor’s note: As someone who has been a member of both committees, I am
here to tell you that both were very rewarding and invigorating
experiences. AdComm is a great way for a rookie volunteer to get a broad
overview of the whole town, and Parks and Rec is just plain great fun. I
heartily encourage you to throw your hat in the ring! – CHB)

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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