Free home energy savings seminar

Dear fellow Hanoverians:


Want to reduce your home energy costs? Looking for cheap,
do-it-yourself solutions? Interested in ways to finance home alterations? 
You’ll learn about all this and more by attending a free Home Energy
Savings Seminar
on Monday, February 9, 2009, at 6:30 pm at the John Curtis
Library, as hosted by a new group called Sustainable Hanover.  The
workshop will stress the importance of reducing heat usage by providing
do-it-yourself sealing techniques; tips on hiring a contractor for in-depth alterations;
resources for home audits and resources for financing alterations. 
Presenters will lead a slideshow to illustrate hands-on tips, bring samples of
energy saving materials, and provide free educational materials for everyone


To find out more about this workshop, contact Linda Kakulski
, or 781-982-4086 or via her website at
.  This program is provided in partnership with the Massachusetts
Municipal Association.


For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B


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that has been provided to self-selected residents of the Town of Hanover since
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