Judy’s 500th

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Please join me in congratulating Hanover Field Hockey Coach Judy Schneider
on her 500th career win at yesterday’s game against Pembroke.

Judy has expertly taught and nurtured thousands of Hanover young women over
the years, and we have been so lucky here in town to have her in our midst
for decades. There isn’t a Hanover High grad from pre-2003 (when she
retired from teaching PE) who doesn’t have an admiring “Judy story” to
tell. There are legions of Hanover field hockey players who love and
worship her to this day. Yesterday there were scores of Hanover alumna
there to congratulate her and remember their small part in this dynasty,
and the proud tradition called Hanover Field Hockey. Former opposing
coaches also paid tribute – a testimony to the respect they gave and still
give to her.

Congratulations, Judy, on your 500th win. You made the program what it has
been and continues to be. Hanover is fortunate to have benefitted from
your talents, and Hanover’s children are better people because of you.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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