Comedy night in Josh’s memory

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

For the past few years, I have been forwarding to you Jan Perry’s e-mails
regarding the fundraisers for the scholarships in her son’s name. I have
learned to just cut and paste them verbatim, because her tone and
enthusiasm and love for her son simply can’t be re-created by anyone.
Jan moved to Easton this past year, but Josh was a Hanover kid, and so he
will always be so. In addition to the SSVT scholarships, some of the money
she raises goes to Hanover kids in need of tutoring who want to go to South
Shore Vo Tech. Thanks, Jan, for all you have done in your son’s name.
SSVT kids and we are all better for it.

From Jan:

“YES, WE CHANGED IT UP…..It’s been almost 5 years since Joshua left
us at the young age of 17. To keep his memory alive, to remember his goofy
noises and his laugh, we figured what better way to accomplish this but to
have a comedy show. Who doesn’t like to laugh….Josh always did.

A little about Josh: As a very active kid who loved to ride his BMX bike
for hours, he also loved to keep his friends & family laughing with his
little noises & one-liner remarks. He had a very soft heart and would come
to anyone’s defense, no matter the cost. There is no doubt that he
cherished his family and friends.

We continue with Josh’s heartfelt intentions by raising funds for another
year to help students at the South Shore Vocational Technical High School.
From pay-it-forward scholarships to tutoring for pre-SSVT Hanover students
to financial assistance with shop requirements.

For tickets or to make a donation, you can visit our website at, call us at 617-417-7818 or email If you prefer to mail in your request, click on the link
below, print and send it to:
The Joshua Perry Memorial Fund
c/o Jan Perry
31 Indian Cove Way
Easton, MA 02375
You will receive an email that your request has been processed. All you
need to do is give your name at the door.

With your help, we hope to continue paying it forward as Josh started. He
is truly smiling down on all of us saying in his special way, “Come on

Thank you for all your help and support and hope to see you August 11!
Family and Friends of Josh”

Click here for Comedy Packet

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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