Golden Apple Recognition

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

As the students of Hanover begin another school year, the Hanover
Foundation for Educational Enrichment (HFEE) wishes to thank the many
families who participated in the Golden Apple
Program. The 2017 card was designed by middle school student Katie Radzik.

The Golden Apple card gives students and parents an opportunity to
recognize a teacher or staff member who has made a difference in their
lives. It was an exceptional year with 130 teachers or staff members being
recognized from the many Hanover families. The following teachers and staff
members were presented with Golden Apple cards recognizing them for their
hard work,
dedication and excellence in educating the students of Hanover.

Richard (Matt) Amonte, Maura Aborn, Mindy Anderson, Joel Barrett, Dan
Birolini, Pamela Borgeson, Dorothea Bowles, Dawn Brandmark, Rachael
Brewin, Zenilde Brito, Jessica Brown, Alicia Bryerton, Jennifer Buckley,
Ellen Burns, Korri Byron, Kathleen Campbell, Kerri Capraro, Brenda Carven,
Joelle Casey, Kathy Caulfield, Mark CentorinoKathy Chandler, Paula Clasby,
Laura Collins, Melissa Cotter, Jodi Craft, Jen Cronin,Janet Curley, Deborah
Curran, Noreen D’Andrea, Rosalyn Davis, Stacey DeCotis, Jane DeGrenier,
Jen DePhillips, Maura Dowling, Elizabeth Downs, Keri Driscoll, Tracey
Dubois, Paul Economos, Jamie Edgerly, Betty Fahey, Michael File, Jessica
Flaherty, Courtney Folsom, Nancy Foster, Kerry Fraser, Allyson Gately,
Joanne Godlstein, Dori Gray, Seana Greene, Megan Halloran, Matthew Harden,
Denise Heavern, Steve Henderson, Mary Herbert, Rachel Hines, Thomas Hogan,
Christine Hrenko, Andrea Hurley, Karen Johnson, MaryAnne Johnson, Colleen
Jones, Kelly Jordan, Jill Joy, Donna Kajunski, Stephen Kapulka, Lynn
Kaupp, Kerri Kearns, Kathryn Keating, Christine Kelleher, Sarah Kelser,
Patricia Kinasewich, Jeanne Kling, Carol Krall, Mark Lancaster, Ariana
Liakos, Dustin Lindsey, Stephen Lovell, Amy Lynch, MaryAnne MacNeill,
Andrew Mahoney, Karen McCabe, Claudia McCarthy, Valerie McDonough, Mat-thew
McGarry, Carol McGinnis, Officer McKeever, Lori McKenna, BJ McNamara, Tom
Merzbacher, Tom Merzbacher, Rachel Nameika, Patrick Newton, Deb Nicoll,
Kathleen O’Brien, Michael Oates, Andrea Palma, Matthew Paquette,
Stephanie Parker, Mr. Pasolini, Andrea Pattison, Karin Petrucelli, Betty
Polansky, Michelle Pollock, Lisa Porzio, Joanne Reilly, Christina
Richardson, Kim Richardson, Debbie Rick, Colleen Russell, Nancy Ryan,
Thomas Ryan, Colleen Shinney, Nikki Simmons, Caitlyn Simonelli, Michelle
Sullivan, Andrea Sweeney, Caroline Sweeney, Roberta Themistocles, Shannon
Thompson, Julienne Thornell, Bronwen Thornton, Christine Trifone, Diane
Turner, Karen Vitolo, Mi-chael Wade, Michelle Walsh, Tara Wardwell, Greg
Wheeler .

The Foundation congratulates these fine teachers and staff for their well
deserved recognition and thanks the many families for their support and
participation in the Golden Apple Program.
Special thanks to Rachael O’Callaghan for her assistance. For more
information about the HFEE, please contact .

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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