Hanover Woman’s Club, Juniors to host Halloween Parade

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

The Hanover Woman’s Club, Juniors will host its 36th annual Halloween
Parade at 1:00 p.m. on October 28th at the Hanover High School.

Registration will begin at 1:00 p.m. and the parade will start at 1:15 p.m.
The marchers will be led by the Hanover High School Band. Following the
parade, the children will be entertained by Mr. DJ USA, who will feature
interactive music, games, bubbles, sing alongs and a dance party.

Goody bags will be handed out at the end of the event. Registration is $3
per child. Registration forms are attached, will be available the day of
the event, or registration forms passed out to schools may be filled out
and brought the day of the parade or to the John Curtis Library.
Pre-registration deadline is Friday, October 26th.

The Club is requesting one non-perishable food item per child which will be
donated to the Hanover Food Pantry. This year, in memory of Officer
Michael Chesna, donations will be collected for the Chesna Family Fund.

For more information, see the attached registration form or contact Nadine
Adams at p3fitness103@yahoo.com or 781-831-2315.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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