Zoning Board of Appeals meeting this Wednesday

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Notice is hereby given that a Public Hearing will be held by the Hanover
Zoning Board of Appeals at the Hanover High School Media Room, 287 Cedar
Street, on Wednesday, January 30th, 2019 for Case Z-19-01. Please note the
location change from the Hanover High School Auditorium. Hearings begin at
7:30 p.m. The applicant PREP Hanover Real Estate, LLC, 1790 Bonanza Drive,
Suite 201, Park City Utah 84060, filed with the Town Clerk on December 21,
2018 for property located at 1775 Washington Street, Washington Street
Rear, and 3 Mill Street, Assessors Map 18 Lot 7, Map 18 Lot 4, and Map 24
Lot 14, zoned Planned Shopping Center District, Wireless Telecommunications
District, Village Planned Unit Development, Aquifer Protection Zone, and
Flood Zone.

The applicant requests a variance from Hanover Zoning Bylaws Section
6.11.20.H from the thirty-five foot (35’) height and Section 7.110 three
story height to allow for a fifty-three feet (53 ft.) four story multi-unit
residential building. The applicant is also seeking a variance for the
rate of development from 1.5% per year to build all 297 units as a single
comprehensive development. The applicants, their representatives and any
other persons desiring to be heard should appear at the time and place
designated for the public hearing. Plans and accompanying documents can be
viewed at the Planning Office, Department of Municipal Inspections, 2nd
Floor, Town Hall, 550 Hanover Street, Hanover, MA.

For more information about the residential portion of the Hanover
Mall/Hanover Crossing project, go to their website at:
https://thehanovercrossing.com/project/why-residential/ .

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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