Dear fellow Hanoverians:
The Hanover Permanent Scholarship Fund, Inc. is pleased to announce that
$45,600 was awarded to 57 Hanover students to help with their continuing
education expense. Awards to 45 Hanover High School students were
presented during the Annual Awards ceremony held prior to graduation.
Eleven continuing awards were made to college students and three awards
went to Hanover graduates of other high schools.
HPSF relies on the generosity of the residents of Hanover and their family
and friends to increase the assets which will enable larger awards to be
made. Donations are accepted at any time, not just during the Annual Fund
Drive. For more information, go to the HPSF Brochure at
, HPSF on Facebook at
, or contact
For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B
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