HFEE gift card fundraiser

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

The Hanover Foundation for Educational Enrichment (HFEE) is pleased to
share with you their latest fundraiser that crosses gifts off your list and
supports HFEE! Need a gift card for a gift, or to use during your holiday
shopping? When you order through ShopWithScrip.com and use enrollment code
6DA8836C61L2L, or fill out the attached flyer and return with your check to
HFEE, a portion of your purchase is donated back to HFEE.

For more details, visit their website at
or contact Amanda at amanda.higginbottom@gmail.com .

All proceeds will go to the HFEE, whose objective is to raise funds for
education enrichment programs that benefit all Hanover students. Thank you
for supporting HFEE.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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