Dear fellow Hanoverians:
The candidate information sheets keep coming! Here’s another!
Candidate Information Sheet
Name: David R. Delaney
Office Seeking: Board of Selectmen
Address: 78 Washington St.
Hanover, MA 02339
Telephone Number: (781) 385-9447
Length of Residency: 46 Years
Relevant Experience:
Boston College High School – 1987, Boston College B.A. Economics –
1991, Marquette University Law School, J.D. 1994
Member of Mass Bar 1995-Present, Massachusetts Notary 1995-Present, Mass
Licensed RE Broker 1995-Present
Hanover ZBA Member 2003-2016, Hanover BOA Member 2015-Present, Hanover BOS
2015-Present (Chairman 2018, 2021)
My family and I have owned and operated Automobile Dealerships in Hanover
from 1989-Present.
Issues Confronting the Town of Hanover:
I have been a member of the Board of Selectmen since 2015. Throughout my
tenure the Board has faced many challenges, obstacles, and policy
decisions. At present, one of the biggest challenges that the Town will
face is the future budget impact of the Covid pandemic. This pandemic will
affect the tax base in many ways. This will include a falling business tax
base (as long-established businesses have been forced to close over the
past 12-14 months), and a residential tax base impact as residents face job
loss and layoffs and may struggle to keep up with their tax bills. My
experience on the Board has taught me many things about the inner-workings
of a municipality, the importance of a proper balance between residential
and corporate tax base, and much about what it takes to run a Town of
Hanover’s size smoothly and efficiently, while faced with constant and
unexpected hurdles. Moving forward, the Board of Selectmen will continue
to work on such important issues as the following:
1. Overseeing the continued cleanup of the Fireworks District,
2. Assisting in the continued development of the Hanover Crossing and other
commercial developments, which will benefit the residents of Hanover and
help to grow the Town’s tax base. I look forward to playing a role in
helping the Hanover Crossing project come to fruition for the benefit of
the residents, and for the vast benefit it will provide to the tax base.
Managing our commercial tax base wisely is critical to keeping residents’
tax bills affordable.
3. The ongoing maintenance and improvement of the Town’s aging
infrastructure. This would include the ongoing improvements to the water
department (water treatment, mains, wells, etc.), and existing town-owned
buildings, parks, and recreation areas (both old and new).
4. Ensuring the continued performance and services of our Schools, DPW, and
Public Safety Departments. Hanover’s services in these areas are second
to none, and we will need to work to maintain this high standard.
Why am I running? The issues outlined above are but a sample of those to
be faced by the next Board of Selectmen. The major responsibilities of the
Board are policy-making and licensing. The role involves helping to make
critical decisions regarding the growth, development, and financial health
of Hanover. I best serve the Town with my ability to quickly assess
problems and issues, combined with an ability to make logical decisions in
the best interest of the Town and its taxpayers. I enjoy acting as a
conduit between the Town and its residents, businesses, employees, and
other boards and committee members. I make myself available to those in
need, and I do my most effective work helping others behind the scenes and
outside of the meeting agendas. I believe in letting Town employees do
their jobs without interference, and that the Board should be there to
assist and make quick and sound decisions in times of need. The many
issues and challenges to be faced by the Board of Selectmen are too
numerous to outline here. During challenging times, we need Board members
who can think quickly, problem solve, make cooperative decisions, and help
in many ways that one would only realize with experience in the role. My
educational and business background, my experience on the Zoning Board of
Appeals, the Board of Assessors, and on the Board of Selectmen bring great
value to this Board moving forward with the challenges Hanover will be
facing. As the current Chairman and most senior member of this Board, I
look forward to continuing to bring my abilities and interpersonal skills
to the table to continue the work that I have been doing on Hanover’s
Board of Selectmen since 2015.
For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B
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