Dear fellow Hanoverians:
The Friends of the Hanover Council on Aging would like to let anyone who is
unware of all the great programs and resources available at the Hanover
Senior Center that classes and programs are available to those 55 years of
age or older. Activities include exercise programs such as yoga,
stretching, Zumba, functional training and more. Art, health, crafts, and
educational programs are also offered.
The Friends are excited to bring these programs to the Senior Center and
hope that this information will encourage you to join them and spread the
word to others.
Information available on the website, Facebook page, as well as in the
monthly bulletin available online or by mail. Please contact the center at
781-924-1913 to be put on their mailing list.
The web address is
Follow the COA on Facebook – Hanover MA Council on Aging
Friends email –
For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B
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