Around Town on the Web makes a move

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

I am delighted to bring you the following news, along with a request for your indulgence and patience!

Long-time recipients of “Around Town on the Web” know that hundreds of Hanover residents receive my e-mails every day, and that I have occasionally tangled with Comcast’s anti-spamming measures as a result.  Over the years I have developed various “fixes” to jump over Comcast’s hurdles while still being able to send out the information that you love to have.  Suffice it to say, however, that the fixes have at the very least become time consuming for me!  I’m not an IT person, though, so I have muddled through.

Until this week, that is.  Here’s the best part of this story:  A Hanover resident by the name of Michael Van Lare, who is simply a friend of a friend and a fellow Hanoverian…has offered his considerable expertise and assistance to help me to upgrade “ATOTW” to meet the growing demands of our neighbors and friends.  He is doing so simply out of the spirit of community that is generated right here on “ATOTW”.  He and I have never met; we’ve just talked on the phone and by e-mail. 

So, this e-mail is a test.  We are testing the limits of this new e-mail account in hopes that future delivery to you will be seamless.  In the future, we may even have an automated way for people to sign up to be a part of “ATOTW”, and perhaps also an “ATOTW” website where old postings can be added and searched.

Thanks, Mike.  I am humbled by your generosity and willingness to help.

Dear neighbors, how cool is that?!!!  Please send me your feedback, and thanks in advance for your patience as we transition to the new accounts.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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