Summer Internship Program

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Thought this might be of interest!

The Town of Hanover Summer Internship is a paid employment opportunity for
motivated high school and college students who want to gain professional
work experience, build skills such as time management, teamwork,
communication, leadership, and critical thinking, and explore new
interests, while learning how Hanover town government operates. Interns
must demonstrate maturity and politeness, integrate well within the Town
Hall team environment, and work hard at their assignments.
Summer Interns will spend the majority of their time engaged in work for
the Town Manager but also will be assigned to other departments within
Hanover town government.
Strong preference will be given to students and graduates of Hanover High
School, South Shore Vocational Technical High School, and those who live in
Hanover and attend/attended private high schools.

The Town of Hanover Summer Internship program will run from the end of the
school year until the start of the next academic year. Participants will be
expected to work 4 days a week for 30 hours, including 12-hour days each
Wednesday when Town Hall is open from 8:00 a.m to 8:00 p.m.
As part of the 30 hours per week, Summer Interns will be required to attend
various evening and night meetings either in-person or via Zoom. Summer
Interns will be required to attend all Select Board meetings, and a total
of 5 meetings of different Hanover public bodies (e.g., Planning Board,
Zoning Board of Appeals, Advisory Committee, Conservation Commission,
etc.). The purpose of this expectation is for the Summer Interns to broaden
their understanding of how public bodies operate and how decisions are made
at the local government level.
Summer Interns will be assigned various tasks and responsibilities. Over
time, assignments will evolve to match the Intern’s skills, abilities,
and interests with the most pressing needs of the Town.
Summer Interns will be expected to write a 500-word essay at the conclusion
of their internship experience reflecting on what they learned during the

Interested candidates for the Town of Hanover Summer Internship program
must submit the following:
1. Cover Letter detailing in 500 words your interest in this program;
2. Resume;
3. Letter of Reference from a professor/teacher, coach, previous employer,
guidance counselor, etc.;
4. The application period for the 2023 Town of Hanover Summer Internship
will start on March 1, 2023, and conclude on March 31, 2023. Hiring
decisions will be made in April.
5. Please e-mail all application requirements to

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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