Spring Walking Tours with Jack!

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

The Hanover Historical Society presents Spring Walking Tours with Jack!

Luddam’s Ford, Saturday, April 1st at 10:00 a.m.
Four Corners, Saturday, April 15th at 10:00 a.m.

Join the Hanover Historical Society’s intern Jack McLaughlin, a Hanover
resident and senior majoring in History at Bridgewater State College, for
two one-hour walking tours of Luddam’s Ford and Hanover Four Corners this
Spring! Join Jack to explore two of the most historic areas in Hanover. The
tours will take place on the two Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m.,
regardless of weather, unless it is extreme.

Luddam’s Ford: A Natural and Industrial History Tour, Saturday, April
1st, 10:00 a.m.
Explore the natural and industrial history of Luddam’s Ford, where
Hanover’s Elm Street meets Pembroke’s West Elm Street on the bridge
over the North River. This tour will cover the site from its earliest use
by Native Americans, to its namesake event when James Ludden (notice the
spelling) carried Governor John Winthrop across the river on his shoulders,
to the more than three centuries of irons forges and rubber manufacturing
at the site.
The tour will start at the Hanover side parking lot, cross the historic
1894 bridge to the Pembroke side, and return to finish back on the Hanover
side. The tour will last about one hour, wear comfortable shoes, and will
take place unless the weather is extreme.

Four Corners: The Revolution and Early Republic Years, Saturday, April
15th, 10:00 a.m.
Hanover’s Four Corners neighborhood was the town’s bustling business
hub during the years of the American Revolution and the decades of the
Early Republic when shipbuilding was at its height. This tour will explore
the several buildings still standing from that time, to tell the stories
and events associated with those years, the tavern keepers, merchants,
farmers, shipwrights, and their families, who lived through the earliest
years of the country.
The tour will begin in front of St. Andrew’s Church, loop through the
neighborhood, and last about one hour. Wear comfortable shoes and be
prepared for any weather, it will go off unless the weather is extreme.

For more information visit the HHS online at
www.hanoverhistoricalsociety.com or find them on Facebook at Hanover MA
Historical Society | Hanover MA | Facebook or e-mail
hanhistdirector@gmail.com .

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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