South Shore Vo-Tech community forum update

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

It was brought to my attention that the recent e-blast regarding the South
Shore Vo-Tech “community forum visioning session” set for next week was
missing the time that it will be held next Thursday. Here is the original

As you are likely aware, South Shore Tech is in the early stages of the
MSBA School Building program. This summer parents, students, faculty and
administrators are participating in a series of three ‘visioning
sessions’ to help compile a list of the characteristics and qualities we
want to see in a new/renovated school. We had our first session on June
20th. This process will help inform our design team who will be using the
visioning work to create drafts of school designs over the next 6 months.

There is a community forum planned for July 13, 2023 on Zoom
for anyone interested in learning more about what the committee is
discussing. We will share all findings at the end of the visioning process
in late July/early August, and the sessions will be recorded and posted to
a school building project webpage that is currently being built for launch
in the summer.

Kindly forward/share this information about our July 13th community forum
to whomever you think would be interested. If you have any questions about
our building project, please contact me at your convenience.

And here is the follow-up from SSVT with the missing information:

Apologies for the oversight. The community forum scheduled for July 13th
will run from 6-8pm. Here is the link and meeting ID for your convenience:

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 5064 8702

Hope that helps you to be able to attend!

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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