Share the holiday spirit and help those without permanent housing

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Would you like to share some seasonal holiday spirit? We can spread joy,
love, and compassion to those around us with acts of kindness and
generosity as we support those in need. The John Curtis Library, 534
Hanover Street, is collecting holiday stockings filled with necessities for
individuals living without permanent housing. Some of the new items that
are most appreciated are:

Winter hats
Hand and toe warmers
Small toiletries, lip balm, hand lotion
Candy, chocolates, gum
Gift cards to Walmart, Target, grocery stores or fast-food restaurants such
as Dunkin’ Donuts or McDonalds

The library will have a collection bin on the lobby counter for the holiday
stockings. The collection deadline is Friday, December 22. Your generosity
is greatly appreciated! If you have any questions, please contact .

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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