Christmas tree pick-up

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Christmas tree pick-up
Saturday, January 6th, 2024
Suggested donation of $10-$15
Donations can be put in the mailbox or taped to the tree in a plastic bag.
Checks are payable to Hanover Pack 37
Trees need to be on the sidewalk in front of the home before 8:00 a.m. on
the 6th.
They can’t accept wreaths because of the wires.

Here is the link to signup:
, or go to their website at

The Cub Scouts get support from these generous donors and so they suggest
you support them: Bartlett Tree Experts, Curran Corp Landscaping, Hoadley
Plumbing and Heating, PA Landers, and Village Green.

For more information, please contact Cubmaster Jason Scott at .

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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