Help a Hanover child receive an autism assistance dog

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Hanover residents Allison Taylor and her husband Chris sent along the
following information. They are reaching out on behalf of their daughter.
Ella is a rising eighth grader. You may have seen her on the fields at
Forge Pond, walking with her Daisy Troop in the Memorial Day parade,
performing in the annual nativity play at the First Congregational Church
or reading in the window seat at the library.

They are seeking our communities support in getting an autism assistance
dog for Ella. After an exhaustive search, they chose to collaborate with
Little Angels Service Dogs based on their adherence to high training
standards, track record, and testimonials. Each dog’s training is
personalized to help their individual handlers needs and every dollar
donated goes directly to the training and placement of service dogs.

Ella has completed the rigorous approval process, and the family is now
transitioning to the fundraising stage. Families are responsible for
fundraising so that monies raised go directly to connecting dogs with
participants rather than supporting a fundraising staff. They are looking
to the community to help Ella reach her fundraising goal of $30,000. It is
humbling to ask for help, but they sadly are not able to reach this goal on
their own. As a result, they are reaching out in the hopes that you share
this post, post the attached flyer and/or donate today to help Ella achieve
her life changing goal.

Please join them! Your donation will bring them one step closer to their
goal! Please read the following letter or see the attached flyer from
Allison and Chris for more details on how you can help.

Little Angels Service Dogs have approved our daughter Ella. These dogs are
trained to perform medical alert, deep pressure therapy, and non-protective
boundary control which will be life-changing and lead to improved quality
of life and independence for Ella.
Autism is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people
interact with others, communicate, and learn. Ella describes it as
“Feeling anxious all the time”, “continuous sensory overload”,
“feeling misunderstood or unheard”, “pretending to be okay is
exhausting”. Having a Service Dog will change everything for Ella. Please
help us make this a reality.
Little Angels Service Dogs is a 501c3 nonprofit and an International (ADI)
accredited organization which means they rely 100% on donations from people
like you.

There are THREE ways to donate:

1. Scan the QR code on the attached flyer
Select General Fund Donation (please consider choosing a MONTHLY donation
by checking Recipient Fund, check box add note/comment and enter Ella’s
Solicitation Code) or a one-time gift
Enter the solicitation code PA-TA-EL in the comment section. Donate any
amount your heart desires.

2. Or you can go to Ella’s Just Giving page by clicking below:

3. If you would rather send a check, you can do that as well. You can mail
a check payable to
Little Angels Service Dogs to the following address.
Just make sure you add the code PA-TA-EL in the memo of your check.
Little Angels Service Dogs
Post Office Box 219
Jamul, CA 91935

We look forward to taking you along on our journey and thank you in advance
for your love and generous support in helping to enhance Ella’s life and
the lives of individuals like Ella.
Much Love and Gratitude!
Chris, Allison and Ella”

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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