September 3 State Primary unofficial results

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Attached please find the “unofficial results” of the September 3rd
State Primary for the Town of Hanover. Please note that these results do
not include hand counted ballots or write-in votes. Additionally, because
we only had 149 ballots come in between our Advanced Processing sessions
the week of August 26th – 30th, we did not run a Central Tabulation area
on Election Day, so you will see “zeros” in that column. Those ballots
were run through the regular precincts on Election Day.

Please join me in thanking the election workers of the Town of Hanover for
their diligent, painstaking, and yeoman’s efforts over the past two+
months to bring these results to fruition. Election administration has
changed considerably during the 11 years I have been in office, and with
each challenge or change to the law, Hanover’s election workers have
stepped up to the plate and have been equal to the task. They are amazing,
and we are very fortunate.

Similarly, I am grateful for the on-going cooperation of the School
Department, Department of Public Works, Police Department, Fire Department,
Town Hall staff, IT Department, Library and Community Services staff.

Feel free to share this information far and wide.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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