Mosquito-borne diseases and related risk

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

I have fielded a couple of questions at work regarding mosquito-borne
diseases and the related risk in Hanover. The good news is that the risk
for West Nile Virus (WNV) is currently “low”, and the risk for Eastern
Equine Encephalitis (EEE) is currently “remote” in Hanover. Nevertheless,
the risk does change over time, and it can’t hurt to take precautions and
learn more about what you can do to reduce your risk going forward this
fall and before we have a hard frost.

Thanks to Steve Ryerson for assembling the following information!

Recommendations for Prevention:

• Plymouth County Mosquito Control Project
The Plymouth County Mosquito Control Project accepts requests for adult
mosquito control from Hanover residents. Residents can call up to eight
times per season to be sprayed, barring any spray restrictions in the area.
The spray used will kill the mosquitoes in the area at the time of
spraying. Residents must call, fax, or mail us each time they have a
mosquito problem.
Hours: 7:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Office Phone: 781-585-5450
Fax: 781-582-1276
Pesticide applications are made via an ultra-low-volume sprayer on the back
of a pickup truck. Typically, spraying is done from the street and can
travel up to 300 feet. Weather permitting, the sprayers operate from 2:00
a.m. to a half hour before sunrise each weekday. When I was at Town Hall
on Tuesday at 4:30 a.m., the spray truck was driving through the back
parking area! Additional information may be found on the Plymouth County
Mosquito Control Project website, found here:

• Apply mosquito repellent with an EPA-registered ingredient.
• Wear clothing to reduce exposed skin when weather permits.
• Eliminate standing water to prevent mosquito breeding.
• Ensure your window screens are intact to prevent mosquitoes from
entering your home.
• Be mindful of peak mosquito activity at dusk and dawn.

Hanover Health Office
Visit the Town of Hanover’s Mosquitoes and Ticks resources and live risk
maps found here:
to learn about mosquitoes and ticks and how to protect yourself from
illness and disease.
Additional information, including all WNV and EEE positive results, may be
found on, by calling the Hanover Health Office at 781-826-5000,
1077, or by emailing

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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