History and Nature Walk through Sylvester Field

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

History and Nature Walk through Sylvester Field

Saturday, September 14, 2024, 1:00 p.m., 129 Washington Street, Hanover

Join Hanover Historical Society President John Galluzzo for a walking tour
of Sylvester Field, one of the oldest historic landscapes in town.
Sylvester Field was in use for centuries from the 17th into the 20th for
farming and haying. This ten-acre parcel located on Washington Street and
stretching down to the Third Herring Brook has never been developed and
looks much like it has for the past few hundred years. It was purchased by
the Wildlands Trust with help from Hanover’s Community Preservation Act
funds and many individual donors in 2021. The tour will explore the history
and wildlife of this preserved piece of Hanover’s agricultural past and
its importance for today.

Parking is limited, so it is suggested to park at Four Corners and walk
down to the field. The tour will take place rain or shine, unless the
weather is extreme. Parts of Sylvester Field may be wet, marshy, or muddy,
please dress accordingly.

For more information, please go to the Hanover Historical Society’s website
at www.hanoverhistoricalsociety.com or e-mail hanhistdirector@gmail.com .

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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