“The 7 Letters of Highly Effective Churches”

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

The Lutheran Church of the Cross, located at 77 Rockland Street in Hanover,
is starting the sermon series "The 7 Letters of Highly Effective Churches"
as they study the opening chapters to the book of Revelation in their 9:00
a.m. Sunday morning worship. Every Sunday includes communion and a
children’s message. After the service, refreshments will be available
before heading to Sunday School (for children as young as pre-K) or the
Adult Discussion Time. If you have questions, please contact the church
office or Rev. Michael Stahl at 781-826-5121, or visit our website at
www.lcchanover.com . Lutheran Church of the Cross is part of the Lutheran
Church – Missouri Synod.

The schedule is as follows:

September 13: The introduction to the 7 letters

September 20: The letter to the church in Ephesus

September 27: The letter to the church in Smyrna

October 4: The letter to the church in Pergamum

October 11: The letter to the church in Thyatira

October 18: The letter to the church in Sardis

October 25: Special Reformation Day/Confirmation Day service

November 1: The letter to the church in Philadelphia

November 8: The letter to the church in Laodicea

For more information, go to: www.lcchanover.com .

For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B

"Around Town on the Web" is a community service that has been provided to
self-selected residents of the Town of Hanover since the spring of 2004. If
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communications directly, please e-mail your first and last name and e-mail
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