Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service in Hanover

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Please join the community of Hanover as we gather together and "Raise the
Song of Harvest Home" at the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service on Monday,
November 23rd @ 7:30 p.m. This year St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church will host
the service, which will feature a choir representing the churches in town.
The Rev. Dr. Deborah Carter, Interim Pastor at the First Congregational
Church will offer the message, "The Gathering of the Nations." The offering
that evening will be given to support the Hanover Habitat for Humanity House
that is currently being built on Walnut Street. Fellowship will be held in
the parish hall following the service. Please join your friends and
neighbors as we gather to give thanks for all the blessing in our lives.

For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B

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