Free recycle bins at the transfer station

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

The Hanover Department of Public Works has purchased a limited number of recycle bins and is making these bins available free of charge to Hanover residents on a first come first serve basis at the Hanover Transfer Station.  This is a trial program to encourage recycling.  As the number of bins is limited, the Department is limiting the distribution of bins to one bin per family per week.  The Hanover Transfer Station processes 7,700 tons of solid waste annually, including 1,100 tons of recycled paper, cardboard, plastic, glass, and cans and an additional 600-800 tons of metals and other recyclables.  The DPW hopes to reduce solid waste expenses by increasing the amount of recyclables which are diverted from the waste stream.  Recyclables are a net revenue generator for the Town.  Residents are encouraged to participate in the Town of Hanover’s recycling program to help control the ever increasing cost of solid waste as well as to reduce the demands on the environment.  For information on recycling opportunities in Hanover, please visit

I’ve been picking up my bins over the last couple of weeks and am delighted to see my kids run out to the garage with their recyclables far more than they used to.  Not only that, but the forest green bins look great, too!  Kudos to the good folks at the DPW for making them available to us.

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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