Hanover rocks and so does hockey!

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

HANOVER ROCKS AND SO DOES HOCKEY! Two young residents of Hanover, Manning
and Connor Morris, have entered a video contest on-line with USA Hockey and
Reebok. The Grand Prize is $2,500 in Reebok Hockey Gear and if the boys win
they have decided to donate half of the gear to Hanover Youth Hockey

Please support their efforts by going to the following link

http://www.reebokhockey.com/hwaa/all-moves/124/ , scroll to the bottom of
the page and sign up (free), view "Hanover Rocks and so does Hockey" and
then vote for their video. You can vote once a day, every day. Also, every
vote enters you into a chance to $300 in Reebok gear. The top 16 videos
will be chosen on January 10th to get into the finals. Please help them out
by voting.

Last I looked, they had 212 votes and they were in 20th place. They need
your vote ASAP! The contest ends this Sunday. Vote now!

For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B

"Around Town on the Web" is a community service that has been provided to
self-selected residents of the Town of Hanover since the spring of 2004. If
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