Verizon Fios service in Hanover?

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

One question I am often asked concerns the possible introduction of Verizon Fios service here in Hanover.  So, I did a little digging and came up with the following Q & A from the town’s cable advisory committee.  It answers some questions, and raises others.  Of particular note is the public hearing on December 2nd at Town Hall.  Read on!

Frequently Asked Questions about Hanover’s Cable Contracts
Posted May 15, 2008
Revised November 15, 2008
Please be aware that the following are points that the Cable Advisory Committee is considering and that none of them will be finalized until contracts are negotiated.

We will be holding an Open Public Hearing on December 2 at 7:00 at Town Hall to discuss Verizon’s desire to become a cable provider to Hanover. Anyone wishing to learn more about their plans should attend.
Q1. Will Verizon be coming into town as a Cable Provider?
A. Verizon has submitted an application to become a Cable Provider to Hanover. We are currently reviewing their amended application, which is a response to our comments on their initial application.

Q2. When might a contract with Verizon be finalized?
A. We estimate that it will take until near the end of 2008 for a contract to be approved, assuming it will be approved. The process is a relatively lengthy one because of the negotiations involved. This has been typical of other towns so we do not anticipate a shorter negotiating period. Our intent is to move the process along as quickly as possible.

Q3. Will Comcast still be retained as a Cable Provider if Verizon is approved?
A. Comcast’s current contract expires in October 2008, so we will actually be in negotiations with them at the same time. We do not see any reason why the Comcast contract should not be renewed. But again, we will be negotiating with them as well.

Q4. What is there to negotiate with the Cable Providers?
A. One of the key services that was provided to towns in previous cable contracts was the use of a video studio. Previously, we shared a studio at Comcast’s facilities along with several other towns. Comcast will no longer provide the studio, but will provide funding for each town to develop its own studio and Public Education programming. The amount of this funding must be negotiated, based on many factors, including the number of anticipated subscribers, the needs of the town, etc. The negotiation of such support for a local studio is important because the residents of the Town need a local studio for coverage of Board of Selectmen and School Committee meetings, Town Meeting, and coverage of school and community events.

Q5. Where does this funding actually come from?
A. The funding is a pass-through fee from subscribers. The percentage can be up to 5%, however, it is frequently less than 5%. The funding is based on the negotiation of the cable franchise and the needs and interest in the community in having a video studio and services.

Q6. What video needs does Hanover have?
A. The Cable Advisory Committee has spoken with the Board of Selectmen, school committee, new high school building committee, historical society, senior center, clergy association, sports groups, and others. All have expressed an interest in having government and town meetings broadcasted, as well as a variety of other local programming related to their specific interests.

Q7. Where might a new studio be situated in Hanover?
A. We have spoken at length with the Hanover School Superintendent and Technology Director about locating the studio in Hanover High School. There it might be used as part of the school curriculum as well as a launching point for town video needs.

Q8, If the studio were in the high school, would the public have access to it?
A. We are anticipating setting up a non-profit corporation that would oversee the studio and ensure that the community had complete access to the studio. In fact, we are hoping that, given the training that students would receive, they would be able to provide a ready supply of volunteer help.

For responses to other questions, you may contact:
Bob Sigsby, Chairman, Cable Advisory Committee      781-826-3784
For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

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