More healthy lunch food information

Dear fellow Hanoverians:


I have received some great feedback regarding the previous
post concerning the Hanover Healthy Kids Initiative.  I hope you will
continue to support their hard work regarding the healthy changes to the school
lunch menu!  For more information, please go to the following PowerPoint
that the committee made for a presentation to the Hanover School Committee and
the Hanover Board of Health:  http://ato


Further, some of you had trouble with my
not-totally-accurate link to the Hanover School lunch menu.  If you have a
kid in Middle School, it was great, otherwise, my apologies.  ;) 
Here is the link to the entire series of menus for the entire year for all levels: 
.  Please note that the cost for tomorrow’s premium pizza meal is
$3.00 for students!


For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B


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