Pay it forward

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

I received an e-mail today from a friend of mine whose family runs a local
heating oil delivery service. After politely requesting that I write to all
of you, he ended with, "Be nice to your oilman – he’s keeping you warm!". I
thought that was just too good to not share. J

Fire hydrants, mailboxes, oil fill pipes – they all need to be accessible
for obvious reasons. In the spirit of community, I’ll take it one step
further.if you are an able-bodied Hanover resident, please take a few
minutes to check on your house-bound neighbors this week. Do they need to
be shoveled out? Can they get to their mailbox? Does their oil pipe need
to be made accessible? It’s a sheet of ice out there as I write this.what
can WE do to pull together and help each other? Who needs your help? it is simply the kind of town we are.

For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B

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self-selected residents of the Town of Hanover since the spring of 2004. If
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