Submit it and forget it

Dear fellow Hanoverians:
Are you or your non-profit organization thinking about submitting an
article or notice to “Around Town on the Web” (ATOTW)? If so, I am
therefore writing to let you know about one of my favorite new
features about the new software we are using here on ATOTW.
Begin by writing your notice as you would usually, following the
submission guidelines found at
. But now, instead of sending me something randomly and wondering
when the notice will go out, you can request a send date…days or
even weeks in advance…and forget about it! I can queue up your
notice on my day off, and it can go out to the ATOTW distribution list
days or weeks later, while we both are at work or even while Hanover
sleeps! This new feature is ideal for busy volunteers (and yours
I find that ATOTW readers tend to use ATOTW e-mails as reminders of
something they may have read in the Mariner, or seen advertised on a
flyer. As a result, I generally recommend that your requested “send
date” be less than a week before your event. But, that is entirely
up to you. I will try and meet your requests as they come in, and as
always, please try to give at least 72 hours notice before an event.
I look forward to continuing to help make connections and serve the
community of Hanover. Together we make this town great!

For “Around Town on the Web”,
Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” (“ATOTW”) is a community service that has been
provided to self-selected residents of the Town of Hanover since the spring
of 2004.
For submission guidelines and answers to frequently asked questions about
“ATOTW”, please go to
To search for archived “ATOTW” news, view the archive.
If you would like to be added to this distribution list, click here. Please
follow the link in the response e-mail to validate your account. You will
not receive “ATOTW” e-mails until you complete this step.
If you would like to be removed from this distribution list, click here.

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