New Hanover High School drawings

Dear fellow Hanoverians:

Generally speaking, I am unable to send out attachments “Around Town on the Web”.  They overload my server and your mailbox, and software incompatibility issues thwart my attempts to seamlessly get all of my recipients the information you like to have.

At the risk of all of this, I decided to try to send the attached information anyway.  Please accept my apologies for any overload or incompatibility issues you may experience as a result.  I was just too darn excited about this information – the final drawings for the new high school – that I threw caution to the wind.  Call me crazy…  J

Please send me your feedback – did you get the attachments?  Were you able to open them?  I’ll count up the error messages and re-assess the attachment issue for the future, too.  In the meantime – enjoy!  2009 is the year that the first shovel will go in the ground for the new Hanover High School – yippee!

Attachments available here:

For “Around Town on the Web”,

Cathy H-B

“Around Town on the Web” is a community service that has been provided to self-selected residents of the Town of Hanover since the spring of 2004.  If someone forwarded this message to you and you would like to receive these communications directly, please e-mail your first and last name and e-mail address to .  If you would like to be removed from this distribution list, please e-mail your request to me at .  To search for archived “ATOTW” news, just go to .

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