New High School drawings available on the ‘net

Dear fellow Hanoverians:


Once again, Mike Van Lare, IT guy extraordinaire and Hanover
resident, came to my rescue.=A0 The aforementioned mostly-final drawings for the
new Hanover High School appeared on some Hanover computers today, but were lost
in cyber-space for many others.


Thanks to Mike, “Around Town on the Web” now has
the capability to host a seemingly infinite number of web pages…including
the .pdfs of the new Hanover High School that I tried to send you this
morning.=A0 If you have not yet been able to open those drawings, and/or if you
have no idea what I am talking about (because you did not get the e-mail I sent
earlier today), please go to:






Here also is a link to the .pdf of the fa=E7ade of the
building that I had embedded in an earlier still e-mail this morning. 01-12-09.pdf


Good stuff.=A0 Enjoy!


For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B


"Around Town on the Web" is a community service
that has been provided to self-selected residents of the Town of Hanover since
the spring of 2004.=A0 If someone forwarded this message to you and you would
like to receive these communications directly, please e-mail your first and
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