Hanoverade’s second gathering a success

Dear fellow Hanoverians:


The second installment of Hanoverade’s
“socializing with a purpose” was a huge success!  Scores of
Hanover residents arrived at Joe’s American Bar and Grill last night to
meet, greet and help their neighbors in need.  I am pleased to report that
$1,520 in checks and gift cards (and several bags of food!) will be donated to
the Hanover Food Pantry.  I can also personally attest to the fact that a
great time was had by all!   J


Founder Liz Collins’s energy and enthusiasm was
evident throughout the night.  As new members arrived, Liz greeted them
personally and handed everyone a newly minted “Hanoverade”
flyer.  Participants were pleased to see their friends and meet new ones. 
The spirit of community pervaded the room, and no one wanted to leave when it
was over.


As Liz was leaving at the end of the night, and the
donations were being loaded in her car for delivery to the Hanover Food Pantry
in the morning, all I could think was – that will buy a whole lot of
groceries; we’ve done well!  Each month the total receipts from
Hanoverade grows, and each month we help more friends and neighbors in
need.  During these trying economic times, it is comforting to know that
we still reach out to each other here in Hanover.  What a great little
town we live in.


Did you miss this month?  See you in February! 
Stay tuned for details.


For "Around Town on the Web",

Cathy H-B


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that has been provided to self-selected residents of the Town of Hanover since
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